Avalon Mists
Summer 1998
Editors: Christine and Tim Morgan <vecna@eskimo.com>
Table of Contents:
Character Spotlight I -- "David and Jessica De
Guy" by Stephen Sobotka
Survey -- by Noel Leas
Crossover Center -- "Kat Skratch Fever" Part
II, by Stephen Sobotka
Party on Avalon -- "Four Little Girls" by Tim
The Game Table -- Quarrymen for World of Darkness,
by Denis de Plaen
Disclaimer: the characters of Gargoyles are the creation of Greg
Weisman and his staff, and the property of Disney and Buena Vista Television.
They are used here without permission, but with all due respect, fondness,
and the spirit of fan-love. So please don't sue! Submissions and comments
can be directed to the editors <vecna@eskimo.com>