The Forgotten Child

by Black Rose

        Author's note and disclaimer:  This is my first fanfic, so 
please bear with me.  The story takes place about a month after 
Shadow Master's'Crossroads's of Life'.  I'm not sure where he set 
his universe in reguards to the show, so wherever it is that's 
where my universe is.  All characters seen in the show are the 
property of Disney/Buena Vista.  All others are the product of 
my own imagination.  My thanks to Shadow Master for his help 
and suggestions.  Elisa is a gargoyle sorceress, Luna (from 
the Weird Sisters)is also a gargoyle, and her powers are 
restricted so she can only use them when teaching Elisa to 
use her newfound abilities.  All feedback is welcome and wanted. 
Also, there is a little time jumping, so be aware of that.  Now, 
on with the story.  :)

Scotland, June 25, 1997
        Taia sat in the cave, looking out to sea.  The castle 
wasn't here, and the sorceress had no idea where she should go 
next.  She had left Avalon in hopes of once again finding her 
clan.  And although many years had passed, and things had changed 
in the millenium she'd been gone, she hoped against hope anyway, 
figuring hope and memories were all she had left.  But Avalon had 
sent her here, and she knew she should try to find out why.  She 
decided to start by figuring out how she'd gotten to that moment, 
thinking that her long past may hold the key to her future.

Castle Wyvern, Scotland, 994 AD.  

        'Come on Jaenen, we're going hunting.'  A voice rounsed the 
young gargoyle from his thoughts.  He looked up to his mate, 
Taia, standing over him.  
        'I'm coming,' he replied.  
        From the shadows, another gargoyle watched the two 
gargoyles join the clan, deep in conversation and obvisously 
in love.  She was called Esmeralda because of her emerald green 
eyes.  She was insanely jealous of Taia, partly because of her 
beauty and because Taia had mated with the gargoyle she wanted.  
Gargoyles mate for life, and now she had no chance of ever 
winning him or his love.  She turned away, an idea forming in her 
        The clan had finished their meal about two hours ago.  Taia was 
perched on a parapet, lost in a book.  A shout rang out, yanking Taia 
back to reality.

        'TAIA!!  GET OVER HERE!!  NOW!'  Taia looked up, puzzled.  
Why was her rookery father so mad?  She didn't know, and she 
didn't want to find out.  Spreading her wings, she jumped off 
the parapet and glided down to the courtyard, where Goliath was 
waiting for her, his eyes glowing with a bright white light.  
        'What's the matter?' Taia asked, terrified.  She'd never seen 
him so angry, and the fact that his anger was directed at her 
sent shivers down her spine.  
        'Where did you get this?!' Goliath roared, almost deafening 
her.  He reached into a pocket in his belt and pulled out the 
princess' favorite necklace, a diamond solitaire pendant.  
        'I dianne take it.  Why do ye ask?'  
        'It was found in your bookshelf, in a book you were reading 
last night.'  
        'I dianne know how it got there.  I dianne take it, and I 
have no reason to, anyway.  I couldn't wear it, and there's 
nothing else I could do with it.  Besides, I like the princess, 
even though she dianne like me.'  
        Goliath looked down at her from his lofty height of seven 
feet.  'I know you better, and I know that you are not a theif, 
but if it happens again, you will be in VERY deep trouble.  
        'Yes, I understand.  It won't happen again.'  
        'See that it doesn't.'  
        Listening from the next room, Esmeralda smiled.  
<Everything is working out perfectly.  Taia is being accused of 
the thefts and is in trouble.  If missing jewelry turns up in 
Taia's books, she'll be done for and I'll be rid of her,> she 
thought.  Then she left the room and joined her brothers, who 
were about to go out on patrols.

        A week went by.  One day, an army of raiders from Castle 
Moray attacked Castle Wyvern.  The humans were able to keep the 
raiders at bay, but they couldn't fight on much longer.  About an 
hour later the humans were about to be captured by the raiders.  
        'It's almost sunset!  The gargoyles will save us!'  One man 
cried, joyfully.  
        'There's no such thing as gargoyles!  They're only statues!'  
The leader of the bandits shouted.  
        As if on cue, the sound of crackling stone was heard from 
above.  A minute later stone chips fell and roars filled the air 
as the clan of gargoyles made their awakenings known.  
        'I thought you said they were only statues!' a terrified 
raider cried.  
        The leader wasn't even given a chance to reply.  The 
gargoyles swooped down from their perches and jumped into 
battle.  Esmeralda threw two of the bandits off the parapets 
like they were ragdolls.  The emerald-eyed beauty yelled to Taia, 
who was fighting off three raiders herself.  'Taia!  Behind 
you!' Taia whirled around just in time to see a bandit behind 
her, sword drawn, about to stab her between her wings.  She 
dodged the blow and threw the man down a nearby flight of 
steps, badly wrenching his neck in the process.  She was 
about to thank her sister but another pair of raiders were 
almost inside the castle and she ran to deal with them. 
        After another few minutes, she decided to go inside and 
check on the princess.  Katharine was in her bed, nose in a book.  
Magus was sitting beside her and another gargoyle occupied the 
window seat.  The princess' safety seen to, she returned to the 
fray.  As she was walking through the doors, she heard footsteps 
and stopped to see who it was.  Humans, two of the raiders 
attacking her home.  She stepped into the doorframe, silhouetted 
in shadows.  'Come and fight, humans, if ye dare.' she taunted, 
her eyes glowing emerald.  The humans were terrified of the 
monster in the doorway.  They couldn't see around her, and the 
possibility of more monsters unseen in the darkness scared them 
half to death.  They turned to flee, but their passage was 
blocked by an animal.  The gargoyle dog growled at them, 
showing no fear.  They were trapped.  To their right was a 
brick wall, gargoyles to their front and back, and off to 
the left the wall dropped away to reveal the courtyard, 
fifty feet below.  The two were about to jump off the wall
but the arrival of a third gargoyle quickly changed 
their plans.  Needless to say, the humans were not happy with 
this last development.  
        The gargoyle, one of Taia's rookery brothers, grabbed the 
two by the throats.  'Take what's left of your men and begone!' 
he roared, and flung them into the carts of hay below.  
        The raiders turned tail and fled.  
        The people cheered the gargoyles.  Princess Katharine 
announced a feast in the gargoyles' honor.

        Later that night, Goliath sent for Taia.  
        'You promised me you wouldn't steal anything,' Goliath said, 
fighting to keep his temper.  
        'I dinnae steal anything, Goliath.  i never did.'  
        'This was found in your books,' the clan leader said, 
removing one of the princess' necklaces from a pocket in his 

        A week later, the same thing:  stolen property found in 
Taia's books.  The king held counsel with Goliath and after 
awhile sent for Taia.  
        'We need to talk to ye,' the king began.  'Stolen 
jewelry was found in yer books several times.  What have ye to 
say in yer defense?'  
        'I dianne steal from anyone, nor would I ever.  I am nae 
a theif.'  
        'Ye were alone for some time the nights the jewelry was 
stolen.  Ye must prove yer innocence.  Who can vouch for ye?'  
        'I was with the clan most of the time, except when I was 
in the library.  Princess Katharine let me in.'  
        'No one can prove you innocent?' Goliath asked.  
        'I dinnae think so.'  
        The trial continued, the king calling witnesses, both human 
and gargoyle, but no could back up Taia.  
        In the end it was decided:  Taia could no longer live at 
Castle Wyvern because she could not be trusted.  Taia was 
shocked, but the decision was set. 

        Banished from her home, Taia searched for another place to 
live.  She traveled for ten years, rarely staying in one place 
more than a few nights, just long enough to check the area as a 
possible residence.     
        One night, as her skiff skimmed the waves, she came to a 
mysterious island.  She could see green plants and trees 
everywhere, and the ocean water under the skiff was crystal 
clear.  Nervously she pullled the skiff ashore, looking for 
signs that the place was inhabited.  
        She spent two hours exploring.  The island was beautiful- 
trees and plants in various shades of green, sloping mountains, 
and crystal blue water.  The stars in the sky looked like 
diamonds on velvet.  Then she heard voices.  She peeked between 
some trees and what she saw took her breath away.  Gargoyles!  
A small clan- seven of them- were in the clearing.  
        Taia was about to approach them when a bark rang out, 
announcing her presence.  A very big dog-gargoyle raced out and 
tackled the startled warrior.  Taia gently reached up and patted 
the doggoyle, speaking soothingly, trying to calm the watchdog 
standing with its forepaws on her shoulders.  
        'Down, Bodeika,' a strong voice ordered.  
        Instant obidence.  
        One the doggoyle was off her, Taia rose to her full height 
of 6'9" and faced the other gargoyle.  
        'Who are you?!' he demanded.  
        'My name is Taia.'  
        'I am Duce.  I am the clan leader.  What are you doing 
        'I am looking for a place to live,' Taia said.  
        'I was framed for several thefts and sent away.  That was 
ten years ago.  I have been travelling ever since, searching for 
a place to stay.' Taia explained.  
        'You are welcome here.  We wouldn't send any of our kind 
away.  We were just sitting down to our meal.  Would you like to 
join us?'  
        'Aye, thank ye.'

        Duce introduced Taia to the other members of the clan.  As 
they ate their meal, Taia told them about her clan, her magic 
lessons with the Magus, and Castle Wyvren.  
        'You are welcome to stay with us as long as you like.  This 
island is called Avalon.  The people who live here are immortals.  
They are the Third Race.  They are Children of Oberon, faeries, 
shapeshifters, creatures of pure magic.  The island is magical as 
well, and also a paradise.'  Duce informed Taia.  
        'Thank ye, I am most grateful for yer kindness.'  
        Taia ended up living with the Avalon clan for forty years.  
        She was a wonderful storyteller, and she would weave tales of 
mystery and myth, good and evil, for the others.  
        Although content to live on Avalon with the gargoyle clan 
and the Third Race, Taia missed her clan and Castle Wyvern 
dearly.  The warrior often spent lonely hours gazing into the 
starry night, dreaming of the clan she lost.  One night, Taia 
was remembering the last days of her life in Scotland.  Someone had 
framed her, of that she was certain.  But who would do such a 
thing?  The humans?  The princess?  One of the clan?  After much 
thought, the sorceress knew who framed her.  Esmeralda.  The 
realization chilled her blood.  'One of my sisters had me exiled 
from the clan,' she thought, numb.  
        'You look lonely.'  
        Taia looked up.  One of the gargoyles, a woman with dark 
eyes was standing beside her, looking concerned.  'Hello, 
Andrija.  I was just thinking.'  
        'May I ask what about?'
        'Ye may ask, lass.  I was thinking about my clan.  I know 
who framed me.'
        'One of my rookery sisters, Esmeralda.'  
        'Why would she do that?'  
        Taia wasn't sure why, though after analyzing her 
relationship with her sister, she knew.  'I mated with the 
gargoyle she wanted.  He and I loved each other.  He dianne 
want her, and dianne love her, though she couldna understand 
        The two talked for while longer, and as the sun rose, the 
friends turned to stone, sitting with their arms around each 

        Luna had been instructed to teach Taia Avalonic sorecery to add 
to what she knew.  Ten years later her training was complete, and now 
Taia was a very powerful sorecress.  
        After the deaths of Celine and Phoebe, Luna joined the 
Gargoyles in Manhattan.  Luna had used her her magic to fight to 
save Goliath, and as a punishment for interfereing, Luna had lost 
her immortality and took the form as a gargoyle.  Her powers were 
restricted, and she can now she only use them when training 
Elisa in her newfound abilities.  She was also banished from 


        Oberon realized that he needed a guardian for his island,  
In a formal ceremony in the palace, Oberon and Tatania crowned 
Taia the Protectress of Avalon.  


        Taia was growing bored of living in paradise, and being 
immortal, she decided it was time to move on, to see the world.  
She wanted to find her teacher and friend, Luna, and if possible 
her clan.  She packed her belongings, and set sail in a skiff 
the clan had given her.         
        She set sail for a few days.  As the skiff passed through 
the clouds, the silhouette of a coastline appeared, though Taia 
didn't recognize the area.  The sorecress came to a beach, 
apparently deserted.  She pulled the skiff ashore and went 


        There was something strangely famillar about the cliffs.  
She kept going, and then recognizing the area:  Castle Wyvern!  
<'This is where the castle is!'> she thought excitedly.  <'I'm 
home!'> Something wasn't right, and after a minute she realized 
what the difference was:  the castle was gone!  She searched the 
area, and although she found the rookery and some familiar caves, 
the castle wasn't there.  <'Why am I here?'> she wondered.  As 
if an answer, her mind brouhgt forth the memory of the day 
she left Avalon.  She remembered something her rookery brother 
Gabriel had told her:  
        'Avalon doesn't take you where you want to go.  Avalon 
takes you where need to be.'


        <'Avalon had a reason to send me here.  I should find out 
what it is.'> Taia decided.  She saw lights off in the distance 
and followed them, still puzzled about the disappearing castle.  
She found herself on the outskirts of a human village, and 
walked into a nearby alley.  Hiding in the shadows, she closed 
her eyes and shapeshifted.  A green glow surrounded her as her 
blonde hair shortened, her feet became human, and her tail, 
wings, and fangs disappeared.  She opened her eyes and gazed 
around.  Approximately 10 seconds had passed while she changed.   
Now she looked like a woman, about 18 years old, clad in tight-
fitting black pants, a short black shirt that showed off her 
sleek midsection, and black boots.  Although she looked human, 
she had all her strength and sorecery.  
        She walked further into the village.  She found a tavern 
and went in.  The bartender was standing behind the bar, 
watching her with interest.  He appeared to be about 35, 
although his liver was probably twice that.  The men in the bar 
called to her, though she walked straight to the bar, catcalls 
and whistles following her.  The warrior laughed to herself.  
<'Maybe when I shapeshifted I should have made myself fifteen 
pounds heavier,'> she thought.   


         'Can ye tell me how to get to Castle Wyvern?' she asked, 
already knowing that the castle wasn't where it was should be.  
        The bartender smiled.  'Castle Wyvern has not been here 
for three years.'  
        'Where is it, then?'  
        'New York City,' he explained.  
        Taia didn't have a clue, though she knew that to pursue the 
issue would make herself seem foolish.  'Thank ye,' she said, and 
left, to a lot of people's disappointment. 

        She wandered through the town, curious to see what had 
changed in the years she'd been gone.  She walked into an all-
night convience store and looked around.  The store was brightly 
lit and neatly kept.  
        'May I help ye, lass?' the lady working behind the counter 
asked Taia, a note of friendliness in her voice.  
        'Do you have a map of the world?' Taia asked, hoping she 
wouldn't laugh.  
        'Nae, you'd have to go the library.'  
        'Thank ye,' Taia replied.  


        Taia wandered through the village, looking for the library.  
After about an hour she found it.  The library wasn't big, two 
stories high, a red brick building with lots of windows.  There 
was a sign on the door, advertising the hours it was open.  
According to the sign, the library didn't open till nine.  Taia 
would have to use her amulet to stay awake after the sun rose.  
The amulet was an obsidian colored gem, though in certain lights 
the stone looked blue or purple, in the shape of the Sign of 
Avalon.  Inscribed in the center, was a golden 'T'.  Tatania had 
given it to her so she could guard Avalon during the day. 

        The sun came up half an hour later.  Taia watched the 
sunrise, awestruck.  It was so beatuiful, and the sun was 
warmer than she'd ever dreamed it could be.  
        Taia wandered through the village, still marveling at the 
changes theat the humans had made while she had been gone.  After 
awhile, Taia found herself in a watch shop.  She studied the 
devices in wonder.  She saw a simple watch, teal and black.  Taia 
thought of the money that Duce had given her, and she realized 
that she could afford the watch and still have enough money to 
buy food for awhile.  She bought the watch and went to the park, 
where she sat on a bench.  She figured out how it worked and put 
it on.   Taia smiled.  'I like it.'  


        Then she realized she was hungry and went to find some 
breakfast.  She came to a restaurant, had breakfast, then she 
resumed her tour of the area.  Taia went to the library, now 
open to the public.  She explored the building for awhile, and 
about a half an hour later, she saw a rack of atlases.  Taia 
pulled them off the shelf and studied the maps she found inside 
them.  Although it took her awhile, she figured out where New 
York City was.  Then she realized it would take her a long time 
to sail there in her skiff.  
        She spent the rest of the morning in the library.  She 
could read faster than any machine, and finished a dozen books 
in slightly over two hours.  Taia found the computers the humans 
used to find information and quickly figured out how it worked.  
She looked up 'gargoyles' out of curiousity.  The on-line 
encyclopedia told her that gargoyles were stone rainspouts on 
buildings.  Taia read that and almost lauhged out loud.  Then she 
researched New York City.  She left around noon and went back to 
her cave.  After shapeshifting to her natural form, she took off 
her amulet and fell asleep.  


        She woke up hungry, so she glided back to the village.  
Hiding in an alley, she shapeshifted into the human form she 
used before, and went to a tavern.  She ordered a bowl of 
vension stew, the closest thing to dinners back at Wyvern.  An 
older man invited her to sit with him, and she did.  They 
chatted awhile, and then Taia decided to ask him about Castle 
        'I know that Castle Wyvern was moved to New York City.  Who 
moved it?  Why?'
        'Let me tell you a story, lass, he began.  There was a clan 
of creatures called gargoyles living at Castle Wyvern.  About a 
thousand years ago, the Vikings attacked the castle just after sunrise. 
They ramsacked the castle, kidnapped the people, took anything they 
wanted, and shattered every gargoyle they could find.  Then about 
three years ago, there was some talk of someone moving the castle.  
I dianne remember his name, but I do remember that he had an awful 
time trying to get work crews on the sight, because it was rumored 
that the castle was haunted by the humans and the gargoyles that 
once resided there.'  
        'How long ago was this again?' Taia asked.  
        'About a thousand years ago,' came the reply.  
        Taia almost choked on her stew.  'What did you say again?' she 
asked, her voice barely audible.  
        Again the reply, 'About a thousand years.'  
        'Thank ye,' she whispered and left.  


        As she walked down the street, the sorecress noticed a 
funny looking contraption in front of a store.  She went over 
to see what it was, and she discovered that it sold newspapers.  
On the front page, Taia saw a date:  June 25, 1998.  She walked 
away, stunned.  'One thousand years,' she whispered, unable to 
believe it.  <'How could it have been so long?'> she thought.  
<'I've only been gone forty years.'>  Suddenly she remembered 
something else that Gabriel had told her about Avalon:
        'Time passes differently on Avalon.  For every hour spent 
here, one day goes by in the real world.' 

        Another thing occured to her.  <'He said the Vikings killed 
all the gargoyles at Wyvern.  My entire clan is dead.'>  The 
realization it her like a ton of bricks.  Once she got back to 
the cave, she let out a loud, wailing cry of grief.  <'Where are  
you now, Goliath?'> she wondered.  She wondered how much more 
time she could have had with them if Goliath hadn't sent her 
away.  Taia thought of something else, too.  Smiling through her 
tears, the sorecress whispered, 'Thank ye, Esmeralda.  Ye saved my 
life.  Had ye not framed me, Goliath wouldna sent me away and I 
would have died in the massacre.'  She felt as if a heavy weight 
had been lifted from her heart.  Although betrayed by her sister, 
Taia loved her and was very upset that her emerald-eyed sister had 
been killed.  It was hard not to be angry at her, but now the 
warrior understood.  It was her destiny that she'd been sent 
away.  The sun rose and she turned to stone, emotionally drained.  
Her amulet was still in her pocket, where she had left it so she 
could sleep.  


        Taia woke up feeling refreshed and energized.  She put on her 
amulet, then, sitting on a rock with her long legs stretched out in 
front of her, she thought about what to do next.  
        She decided to go to New York and find Castle Wyvern.  She 
had barely finished hiding her skiff in the back of the cave 
when a famillar voice summoned her.  Tatania stood five feet in 
front of her, leviating two feet off the rocky ground.  
        'Am I needed, milady?' Taia asked.  
        'No.  I have come to give you a piece of advice concerning 
your quest.  Search for the richest man in the tallest building.  
He can give you information that you need to find your clan.  
        'What do you mean, milady?' Taia asked, but Tatania was 
already gone.  
        Taia was left with a bunch of questions and no answers.  
<'The richest man in the tallest building.  He can give you the 
information you need to find your clan.  What man?  Is he human?  
Which building?  Is it in New York?  What does it have to do 
with my clan?'>  After gathering her possesions into a purse 
she conjured up, she closed her eyes.  In a flash of green 
light, she teleported herself to New York City, materializing 
on Lady Liberty's torch.  She gazed around at her surroundings, 
awestruck.  It was the biggest city she had ever seen.  Towers 
of glass and steel, roads paved black, magnificent bridges, 
rivers that sparkled, and so many lights!  The sight was 
dazzling.  Looking around, Taia was proud of the humans she'd 
been born to protect.

        Off in the distance, she saw a skyscraper that towered 
above the others.  It was definetly the tallest building in 
the city.  She glided to a nearby rooftop to get a better view.  
<'Okay,I'm halfway there.  That's the tallest building, but 
who's the richest man?  Would those people know?'> she 
wondered, looking down from the rooftop, at a group of teenage 
boys gathered on the street corner, talking and smoking.  
        She decided to ask them.  She jumped off the rooftop and 
landed in an alley.  She shapeshifted into the human form she 
had used in the Scotland.  The sorecress walked out and 
approached the boys.  
        One of the boys noticed her before she reached them.  
        'Hey, babe, whatchya doin' hangin' around here all alone?'  
He asked, his eyeswandering up and down her body.  She let his 
eyes wander.  He could just look, but if he touched her he'd be 
        'Just out for a walk.'  
        'You'd better be careful, you might get hurt.  Or you could 
hang out with us, babe.  'We'll keep you safe,' he replied, a 
sly smile dancing on his face.  
        'I bet ye would.  I can take care of myself, but thank ye 
for the offer.  I'm looking for someone, ye might know him,' the 
immortal warrior replied, crossing her arms over her chest.  
        'Who you lookin' for?'  
        'I am looking for people I have not seen in years.  My 
cousin told me to look for the richest msn in the tallest 
building, that he would have useful information.  'Who's the 
richest man?'  
        'The richest man is in that skyscraper, the Eyrie 
Building.  Name's David Xanatos.  Ugly dude, with a bad attitude.  
You might want to stay clear of him.'  
        'Thank ye, Taia said, turning away.  
        'Hey, you walkin' away from us now?'  You got what you want, 
so you're leaving?' he asked, annoyed.  
        'Yes, good night.'  


        The boys decided that they didn't like Taia walking away 
from them.  They wanted their fun, and they were going to get 
it.  One way or another.  
        One of the gifts the sorecery had given Taia was mental 
telepathy.  Being a telepath, she had been scanning their minds 
while they chatted.  She was expecting the attack.  The 
thought of battle made her smile.  She loved to fight and she 
couldn't wait for the fun to begin.  She knew that they were 
armed, but that knowledge didn't scare her.  She decided then 
that she wouldn't kill them.  
        She heard the one she had talked with trying to creep up 
behind her.  Although he was moving quietly, but to someone with 
hearing as sharp as hers, he was not quiet enough.  She stopped 
walking and sensed his confidence soar.  <'Easy prey,'> he 
thought.  That made her smile.  When he was about four feet 
behind her, she whirled around and kicked him in the chest.  
The blow sent him flying, three ribs broken and two others 
cracked.  She smiled devishly at the gang, who were sizing 
her up.  'That punk willna be getting fresh with anyone for 
awhile,' she muttered to herself.  Then she turned 
her attention back to the boys.  
        'Ye want me?  Come and get me,' the gargoyle taunted, 
knowing that they wouldn't walk away from her now.
        'Get her!' another boy shouted.  
        No sooner was the order given than carried out.  Two thugs 
ran for her, eager to avenge their leader's injuries.  
        Taia waited till they were about three feet in front of her, 
though she didn't have long to wait.  Jumping three feet off the 
ground, she lashed out with a double jumping kick that caught 
the boys in their faces.  They hit the ground, noses broken.  
Taia landed smoothingly and faced the other boys.  
        'Ye guys are really good, let me tell ya,' Taia taunted
sarcastically. She was instigating, and she knew it.
        That got them.  Another one ran for her.  She sidestepped 
the lunge and dealt them three quick punches, two in the ribs 
and one to the face, then added a spinning punch that sent him 
toppling to the ground.  
        Suddenly she heard the whistle of a flying blade.  While 
she'd been dealing with the boy, another had thrown a knife at 
her, hoping to take her out.  The knife planted itself in Taia's 
left shoulder, in up to the hilt.  A wave of pain shook her, and 
she fell to her knees, her black blood starting to show around 
the blade.  She reached up, pulled the knife out of her shoulder, 
and tossed it aside.  The gang watched her, figuring that she 
was done for, but not taking any chances.  Taia took a deep 
breath.  The wound healed and closed without a scar, and a 
minute later she was perfectly fine.  The sorecress decided to 
ham it up a bit.  Her black hair fell over her face and 
shoulder, so the gang couldn't see that she was already planning 
her next move.  She slumped forward, faking death. 

        The boy who stabbed her was shocked.  <'I killed her,'> he 
thought.  He walked toward her, another boys at his heels.  The 
two bent over her.  
        In a move to swift for maortal eyes to follow, Taia jumped 
to her feet and pulled off a spinning kick that knocked the two 
        'Next?' she taunted, looking at the last three thugs.  
Theystared back at her, stunned.  Now they were more determined 
than ever to take her out. 
        The trio came running for her.  
        'Come on, she can't take on all three of us,' one of them
said.  Taia backed agianst a tree, one of the few on the block.  
The boys surrounded her, ready for the kill.  But Taia wasn't 
going down anytime soon.  Jumping into the air, she back-
handspringed off the tree, landing on a branch ten feet 
off the ground.  Before the boys could find her, she jumped 
off the branch and landed soundlessly on the pavement behind 
them.  They were still staring at the tree.  About five 
seconds had passed while she had done her bit of gymnastics.  
Before they could recover, she kicked one of them in the 
back, sending him sprawling.  The other two whirled to face 
her.  She reached out and grabbed them by their throats, 
one boy in each hand.  
        'Foolish mortals,' she muttered and banged their heads 
together.  The warrior dropped them to the ground; they were 
both out cold.  She was about to walk away when a shout rang 


        'That's enough!  Don't move or I'll shoot you.  I'll shoot 
you.'  He sounded like he was trying to convince himself he could 
do it.  He had a .380 Beretta leveled at Taia's face.  
        'Ye better aim carefully or ye're going to hurt a lot of 
innocent people,' Taia said, the fact that having a gun aimed at 
her face not scaring her at all.  
        'I don't like your attitude,' he said, as if he was 
the boss.  
        'So shoot me and get it over with, if ye have the guts to,' 
Taia replied coolly. 
        The boy opened fire, the deafing noise of gunfire 
shattering the eerie quiet that had settled between them.  Taia's 
arms were flying through the air.  A minute later, there was only 
silence.  The sorecress looked at the boy, who was looking from her 
to the gun and back again.  
        'Looking for these,' Taia asked, faking innocence.  Holding 
out her hands, she opened her fist to reveal the nine bullets he 
had fired at her.  After dropping the bullets, she kicked the 
gun out of his hands.  It landed on a nearby rooftop, but to 
him it was gone.  
        'How'd you that?' he asked her in wonder.  
        'Lots of practice,' she replied sarcastically.
        'Whoa, cool, the boy whispered in awe.  
        Taia smiled.  'Are ye going to fight me or stand there 


        She backed against the same tree that she had handspringed 
off of before.  He came running for her.  Taia sidestepped the 
lunge and watched as his head connected with the tree.          
        The sorecress dusted off her hands in  the human gesture of 
completion.  Then she turned and climbed part of the way up a 
fire escape to retrieve her purse, which was hanging from the 
bars, where she had left it before the fight.  Then she jumped 
down and walked away, bystanders staring at her in awe.  


        Taia could see the skyscraper off in the distance, and 
she walked towards it, planning what to do.  According to 
Tatania, she could find the richest man, and that man was David 
Xanatos.  <How to meet him?  If he was powerful, he'd 
have tight security,> Taia reasoned.  After pondering the 
situatin, she knew how to get passed the security that was sure 
to be there.  
        She turned down an alley near the skyscraper and 
shapeshifted into her natural form.  Then she turned herself 
invisible.  She left the alley and walked two blocks to the 
Eyrie Building.  She passed through the door like a ghost, and 
walked straight passed the security guard station.  She found a 
sign on the wall and discovered that it was a directory, which 
she used to find out where Xanatos was.  She closed her eyes and 
teleported herself to the hall outside the billionaire's office.  
The hall was empty, and her sharp hearing picked up the sound of 
voices within.  She materialized and knocked on the door.  A 
tall man with dark hair and eyes opened the door. 

        'I'm looking for Mr. David Xanatos,' Taia said.  
        'You found him.  Come in, please,' he answered.  
        Taia followed him into the office.  It was spacious, 
carpeted, and comfortably furnished.  
        'Have a seat, miss, gesturing at a chair in front of the 
        Taia settled herself and faced him. 
        'My name is Taia.  I'm looking for my clan.  I was told 
that the richest man in the tallest building could help me.'
        'I'm the richest man in the tallest building.  You've 
come to the right place.'
        'I'm of Goliath's clan, one of his rookery daughters,'
Taia explained.  
        'The clan is having dinner.  They're down the hall.'  
        This information suprised her.  'My clan is here?!  
Where are they?' she asked, hopeful.  
        'Out of this door, make a left, third door on the right,' 
he directed.  
        'Thank ye.'


        The castle was exactly as remembered.  She followed Xanatos' 
instructions.  She opened the door.  The floors and walls were 
stone, covered with tapestries and decorations she remembered 
from her youth.  A long table sat towards the middle of the room, 
so heavily laden with food it was impossible to see the table.  
A warm fire burned in the fireplace, sending a warm glow 
throughout the room.  
        'Who are you?' an unfamilliar voice demanded.  
        Taia found the source of the voice.  A tall, tan gargoyle
 woman with jet black hair and big brown eyes stared at Taia
suspisciously.  She wore a black T-shirt and blue jeans.  Taia 
had never seen a gargoyle dressed like that.  Her skin was golden 
brown and her ebony wings were caped around her shoulders.  


        Her clan was gathered around the table.  They had been 
packing away the feast at the table, though they stopped when Taia 
entered the room.  Luna was sitting at the table, wings caped 
around her, her eyes sparkling with affection when she saw Taia.  
        'May I ask you the same?' Taia asked the strange gargoyle, 
genuinely curious.  
        'Elisa Maza.  Now answer my question,' she replied, her voice 
     Taia wasn't given the chance to answer the dectective's 
question.  A joyous shout split the air.  
        Taia recognized the voice.  She whipped around to face a female 
gargoyle running towards her.  
        'Angela!' Taia cried, recognizing her rookery sister.  
        The sisters embraced, overjoyed at being reunited.  
        'Taia?' a rough voice asked.  
        Taia looked to see an all-too familliar figure standing three 
yards away, Goliath.  
        In the uncomfortable silence to follow, Taia wondered if she'd 
made a big mistake.  


To Be Continued.....

That's all, folks! (For now, anyway.)
Please e-mail me and tell me what you think.  Comments are welcome!!