Hello, readers! Are you ready for a Challenge?
Your assignment is this -- snoop and report. Choose
a character, and tell Avalon Mists something personal and.or secret about
that character.
Copy a page from a diary, perhaps. Go through someone's
wallet. purse, medicine cabinet. Dig out their high school yearbook and
show us what the character's classmates might have had to say. What sort
of message might certain characters have on their answering machines? What
sort of videos or CDs or computer games? If you ran into someone at the
grocery store, what might you spy in their cart?
Get the picture? Do as many as you'd like, have
as much fun as you can, and send the results to Christine.
Deadline for submissions is August 23, 1998, and they will appear in the
Fall issue of Avalon Mists.
The five most creative Challenge-ees (as determined
by the editors) will be awarded an unopened pack of Gargoyles trading cards,
provided that those winners are so inclined as to trust the editors with
a mailing address.