Avalon MistsSummer 2000vecna@eskimo.com |
Come to The Gathering 2000 in Orlando!*Table of Contents:Challenge Results -- The Avalon Mists Swimsuit Edition! The Minstrel's Hearth -- songs, filks and poems Gargoyle Cartoons -- by Michael Heitz Art Gallery -- pics by various artists Featured Artist -- Tana Party on Avalon -- "A Simple Mythian Meets Avalon," by Mythian Maiden Fanfic Debut -- "Lost Ones" by Wavelength Fanfic Debut 2 -- "A Midblizzard Night's Story" by Kathy Lowe Fiction Feature -- "Midsummer Dreams, and Consequences" by Jessi Brimer Fiction Feature 2 -- "The Trouble With Garg-Girls" by Stephen Sobotka Crossover Center 1 -- "Past Returns, Present Imperfections, and Future Tense" by Trynia Merin Crossover Center 2 -- "Sunnydale Interlude" by Donald E. Fleming Science Files -- "Gargoyle Origins" by Karima Hall The Game Table -- Villains and Vigilantes Character Conversions by Mike Straus Character Spotlight 1 -- Sarah Adams, by Mandi Ohlin Challenge -- Random Gargoyle Generator by Christine Morgan