Now Accepting Submissions!
Letter from the returning
Children of Stone, Daughter of Eve
A Day in the Life of Elisa Maza
The Day the "Gargoyles" Died
Editor's Note: Missy made me cry with The Day the "Gargoyles" Died.
Top Ten Lists
Top Ten Things That You Shoulder Never Do in the Gargoyles
Top 10 Ways to tell if your Neighbours are
David Xanatos' Top Ten Nightmares
The Ten Fanfic Commandments
Editor's Note: The Ten Fanfic Commandments is not specifically a gargoyles list, but it's a
relevant piece for anyone who writes fanfic or is thinking of writing fanfic.
Avery and Brooklyn from the "Daddy's Girl" series by Christi
Smith Hayden
Avalon Mists needs a banner and/or a logo. I'll accept submissions for both between now and
March 31st 1996, and the winner will be announced (and artwork utilized) in Webzine #2.
Submissions must be in .gif format, under 100K, and sent to my address. Bonus points for matching
buttons and bars!
Editor's Notes
Apologies to everyone, and the contributors in particular, for the lateness of this issue. Life, the
universe and everything interfered. This issue is also not nearly as "pretty" as I had hoped; my
computer steadfastly refuses to deal with graphics. Hopefully, that'll be fixed for issue #2.
I'm now taking contributions for issue #2 of the webzine; the deadline is March 31, 1997 and
hopefully, I'll be able to send the new issue to Chris sometime during the following week. (I'll try to
get all stories illustrated, by the way, but the odds are better the earlier fanfic is submitted.)
I'm especially interested in finding illustrators for Avalon Mists fanfic. If you would like to illustrate
stories, let me know!
And as always, feedback is encouraged, desired, and begged for. Please tell the contributors what
you thought of their work!
Previous issues:
Issue #1 |
Issue #2 |
Issue #3 |
Issue #4 |
Issue #5 |
Issue #6 |
Issue #7 |
Issue #8
By Jill Morrison:
Please send questions, comments and general feedback to Leva Mevis at this address:
Please send submissions to this address:
Submission wish-list:
Avalon Mists prints only "socially responsible" PG or milder fanfic; all work must be previously
unreleased and must not be reposted for one week following the date of the issue in which
it appears. Submissions must be in ascii or Windows Write format for text files and .jpg or .gif files
for art; artwork must be under 250K. For any further questions, please contact Leva at
Avalon Mists
Version 2.0
February 2/18/97
WebZine Format
By Constance Cochran
Illustrations by Lady Gwenivere
By Leva Mevis
We Don't Want Another Hero
By Melissa "Merlin Missy" Wilson
By Todd Jensen
By Stormy
Top Ten REAL Reasons That David Xanatos Wants To Be
By Diana R. Flynn "The Dark Eyed"
Compiled by Nancy Brown
Carbonear of Clan Newfie written by Dylan Blacquiere
Art by Christi Smith Hayden
Issue #9 |
Issue #10 |
Issue #11 |
Issue #12 |
Issue #13 |
Issue #14 |
Clean fanfic
Copyright Notice: All characters from the Disney Series "Gargoyles" belong to Disney
and Buena Vista. Any characters from other television series, books, comics, movies or
other formats belong to their respective copyright holders. Any rights for individual pieces
contained herein, of course, still belong to the writers. "Avalon Mists" is created solely by
fans, without authorization, expressed or implied, of any of the copyright holders. It is
distributed free of charge and no profit is made on it. Avalon Mists is created by fans, for
fans. (Did I cover everything? Sound official enough?)