avalon mists / where are they now?

Where Are They Now? : The Woman of Gargoyles
article by: Puck
issue date: 9/2/03
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Brigitte Bako (Angela)
Brigitte has just completed the filming of a new movie, and currently she can be seen on TV in the role of Bianca Berman in the HBO series The Mind of the Married Man. Most recently, she has appeared as Icelia in the Canadian-made film Saint Monica (2002). She has also tried her hand at modeling, appearing on the cover Razor Magazine. Her complete body of movie work includes such films as Wrong Number (2001), Sweet Revenge (2001), Primary Suspect (2000), Paranoia (1998), Strange Days (1995), and The Red Shoe Diaries (1992).

Brigitte on IMDb: http://us.imdb.com/Name?Bako,+Brigitte

Kate Mulgrew (Titania / Anastasia Renard)
Kate's most recent work has been on the stage, playing Katharine Hepburn in the off-Broadway solo play Tea at Five, which she plans to take on tour around the country. Reprising her Star Trek: Voyager role, she has appeared as Kathryn Janeway in the film Star Trek: Nemesis (2002), where her character moved up from Captain to Admiral. She also recently assisted her husband, Tim Hagan, in his bid for Governor of the State of Ohio in 2002. For something even more fun than imagining what happens when a political a fundraiser meets a Star Trek convention, though, rent a copy of the Throw Momma From the Train (1987) from the local video store. Yes, Virginia, there is life before Star Trek.

Kate's official site: http://www.totallykate.com/

Nichelle Nichols (Diane Maza)
Nichelle recently made an appearance at The Gathering 2003, giving her the distinction of being the first Star Trek guest ever to appear at The Gathering. To see what else she's been doing lately, though, just head down to your local library or favorite bookstore. Nichelle has just published her second science fiction book, Saturna's Quest, a sequel to her first book, Saturn's Child. Aside from her writing and staying on the ever ongoing Star Trek convention circuit, she has also recently appeared with Cuba Gooding, Jr. in the movie Snow Dogs (2002). Fans of the original Star Trek, of course, can still catch her as Uhura in reruns on cable TV (check the link for local listings).

Nichelle's official site: http://www.uhura.com/uhura.htm

Salli Richardson (Elisa Maza)
Salli can currently be found on the hit CBS series C.S.I.: Miami (10 pm, Mondays) playing the recurring role of Detective Laura Caine, sister-in-law of lead character Horatio Caine (David Curuso). Her other recent work includes the role of Viveca Foster on the long-running but recently cancelled CBS series Family Law, a part in the movie Biker Boyz (2003), and the role of Berta in the critically acclaimed film Antwone Fisher (2002), starring Denzel Washington.

Salli on IMDb: http://us.imdb.com/Name?Richardson,+Salli

Laura San Giacomo (Fox Xanatos)
Laura is currently starring as Maya Gallo in the NBC series Just Shoot Me (8 pm, Saturdays), which also stars David Spade and George Segal. She has also recently appeared in the TV movies Jenifer (2001), playing Project ALS president Jenifer Estess, and Sister Mary Explains it All (2001), playing Angela DiMarco.

Laura on IMDb: http://us.imdb.com/Name?San+Giacomo,+Laura

Marina Sirtis
(Demona / Dominique Destine / Margot Yale)
Marina is currently filming the movie Walking on Water and has recently reprised her most well-known role as Counselor Deanna Troi in the film Star Trek: Nemesis (2002). She has also appeared the TV movie Through the Fire (2002), which was written by, directed by, and starred fellow Trek and Gargoyles alum Michael Dorn. Marina's other recent work includes the movies Net Games (2003) and Terminal Error (2002). She has also stayed fairly active on the Star Trek convention circuit, and reruns of Star Trek: The Next Generation continue to air on cable TV (check the link for local listings).

Marina's official site: http://www.marinasirtis.tv/

Rachel Ticotin (Captain Maria Chavez)
Rachel will be appearing in the new Fox series Skin starting this fall, playing a judge. She can also be seen in the role of Vangie Gonzalez in the PBS series American Family and Dora in the movie Desert Saints (2002) starring Keifer Sutherland. On basic cable or at the local video store, look for her as Sally Bishop in the movie Con Air (1997) with Nicholas Cage, or check her out as Melina in the sci-fi action flick Total Recall (1990), where she stars opposite current California gubernatorial "Running Man" Arnold Schwartzeneggar.

Rachel on IMDb: http://us.imdb.com/Name?Ticotin,+Rachel

Cree Summer (Hyena)
Cree will be appearing as a voice in the new Nickelodeon cartoon series My Life as a Teenage Robot (2003) as well as continuing her role as Susie Carmichael for Nick's Rugrats, and in the newest Rugrats movie, Rugrats Go Wild! (2002) Cree's voice will also be featured on Cartoon Network's newest cartoon series Codename: Kids Next Door(2002). For major fans of Cree, she recently released her music debut album
entitled Street Faerie available at Amazon.com.

Cree's Official website: Street Faerie

Kath Soucie
(Princess Katherine / Maggie Reed / Weird Sisters / Ophelia / etc)
Kath Soucie, for all the voices she's done in Gargoyles, has shown no sign of slowing down. Her voicework is featured in the newly released Animatrix (2002) , where she voiced the character Pudgy from The Beyond sequence. Kath also co-starred with fellow gargoyle voice actress Cree Summers in Nickelodean's Rugrats Go Wild! (2002). (Kath does the voices for the twin toddlers Phil and Lil) Adding to her Disney credits, she voiced Kanga in Disney's Piglet's Big Movie (2003) and Wendy in Return to Neverland (2002). Kath has also done voicework for videogames including Disney & Square's Kingdom Hearts, Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast, and Lord of the Rings, Fellowship of the Ring.

Kath on IMDb: http://us.imdb.com/Name?Soucie,+Kath

Coming next timeā€¦ "Where Are They Now" takes a similar look at what the men of the Gargoyles voice cast have been up to recently.

Images credits & copyright:

Gorebash. S8: Gargoyles.
(http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/) - August, 2003

Stankewitz, Daniel. Gargoyles-fans.de.
(http://www.gargoyles-fans.de) - July, 2003

(http://www.nbc.com/) - August, 2003

Scharnberg, Tobias. Gorgeous Kate.
(http://www.gorgeous-kate.net/) - August, 2003

TV and Movie Trivia Site: Nichelle Nichols.
(http://www.triviatribute.com/nichellenichols.html) - August, 2003

Cree Summer Tribute Site.
(http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Vine/4993/) - August, 2003

(http://www.msn.com/) - August, 2003


Internet Movie Database.
(http://us.imdb.com/) - July, 2003

Totally Kate!.
(http://www.totallykate.com/) - July, 2003

(http://www.uhura.com/) - July, 2003

NBC: Just Shoot me.
(http://www.nbc.com/Just_Shoot_Me/index.html) - August, 2003

(http://www.startrek.com/) - July, 2003

HBO.com: Mind of a Married Man.
(http://www.hbo.com/marriedman/) - July, 2003

7th Annual Gathering of the Gargoyles.
(http://gathering.gargoyles-fans.org/) - June 28-30, 2003

CBS.com: CSI:Miami.
(http://www.cbs.com/primetime/csi_miami/) - July, 2003

Fox.com: Skin.
(http://www.fox.com/skin/) - July, 2003

Marina Sirtius Official Site.
(http://www.marinasirtis.tv/) - July, 2003

PBS: American Family.
(http://www.pbs.org/americanfamily/) - July, 2003

Street Faerie.
(http://www.creesummer.com/) - August, 2003

Nickelodeon: My Life as a Teenage Robot.
(http://www.nick.com/all_nick/tv_supersites/display_show.jhtml?show_id=myl) - August, 2003

Rugrats Go Wild!: Official Site.
(http://www.nick.com/all_nick/movies/rugratsgowild/) - August, 2003

Cartoon Network: Kids Next Door.
(http://www.cartoonnetwork.com/knd/) - August, 2003

(http://www.amazon.com/) - August, 2003

The Animatrix: Official Site.
(http://www.intothematrix.com/) - August, 2003

Piglet's Big Movie: Official Site.
(http://disney.go.com/disneyvideos/animatedfilms/pigletsbigmovie/) - August, 2003

Return to Neverland: Official Site.
(http://disney.go.com/DisneyPictures/neverland/index2.html) - August, 2003

Kingdom Hearts: Official Site.
(http://www.kingdomhearts.com/) - August, 2003

Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast: Official Site.
(http://www.lucasarts.com/products/outcast/) - August, 2003