avalon mists / fanfeedback

Fan Feedback

Like a story you've seen featured on Avalon Mists? Or maybe..you don't. Have a question or opinion pertaining to an article or story mentioned on Avalon Mists? Or maybe a personal shout out to someone in fandom? This is what fan feedback is all about. It's where YOU the fans write us and tell us what's on your minds, (This will be a Letter's to the Editor type page, you find in a lot of magazines) and we'll grab a selection of emails we've received, and post them in the next issue of Avalon Mists!

Contact email: ssobotka33616@yahoo.com or siryn7@aol.com

If you're interested in writing for Avalon Mists, or just have an article idea, feel free to contact us at either of the above addresses.

Here are a few articles that need writers/people with imput for the next issue
all sections are open for ideas, so please submit! These are just ideas:

  • Gargoyle Tattoos

  • Gargoyle Games (RPGS, Card Games, Board Games, & Games made by fans! Tell us yours!)

  • Fanfiction Reviews

  • Custom Gargoyle Models

  • Gargoyles in Comics (Webcomics, references, and comicbooks)

  • Creative Corner (art projects/tutorials)

  • Gargoyle articles

  • Characters Indepth (suggestions??)

  • Gargoyle Books (books/comics/movies you've seen/read that feature gargoyles, you're call!)

  • Non-gargoyle reviews on movies/books/tv shows


Contact email: ssobotka33616@yahoo.com or siryn7@aol.com
