Casting Call: The PACK!
article by: Siryn
issue date: 9/2/03
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What if Gargoyles became a liveaction movie? Who would play the parts of our favourite cartoon characters?
That's what casting call is all about. Choosing stars we think might be able to look (and play) the parts of
the characters) This issue's casting call, we cast THE PACK!
 Dina Meyer as Fox
Okay, I know the first thing people are thinking is, why Dina Meyer? Why not Laura San Giacomo (the voice of Fox
in the Gargoyles)? Two reasons, first off, save for _very good reasons_ I would rather not cast actual voice
actors. Secondly, in my own opinion, Laura is a little too old to play the part of Fox, and not as in good physical
condition as Dina Meyer. Dina Meyer recently starred in the WB's Birds of Prey as Oracle (Barbara Gorden/Batgirl). In playing
that part, when not in a wheelchair, she showed she was more than capable of handling fight scenes, as well as having a seductive
body and leadership prescience. If that's not convincing enough, Dina Meyer also has a Trekkie background as well as experience with winged creatures. She starred as a
Romulan commander in Star Trek: Nemesis and maiden in Dragonheart.
For more information on Dina Meyer:
 Tyler Mane as Wolf
Why not? Tyler Mane literally looks the part (with both long and short hair!) Tyler Mane also
has the physical profile of wolf, as well as beastlike instincts. (Tyler played Sabartooth in the X-men movie).
Tyler isn't scared of wolflike makeup either, so he could definately pull off Wolf.
For more information on Tyler Mane: Tyler Mane's Official Website.
 Hugh Jackman as Dingo
Okay, sexy AUTHENTIC austrailan accent, he's got the body..he's played a 'tough guy' before? Why NOT?
I'm sure with a bald cap and mowhawk, and walla! Instant Dingo! Plus, having him on board might get more fan members
from the X-men fandom over here, and that's always a good thing!
For more information on Hugh Jackman: All About Hugh
 Fairuza Balk as Hyena
Why? Because this actress SCARES ME. Her smile scares me, her laugh scares me. Fairuza could DEFINATELY 100% pull off
Hyena (just look at any of her previous roles). Not to mention she is almost the spitting image of her! Fairuza has a
very dark psychotic look to her, which also enhances her 'bad girl' acting ability, and she's in shape to be able to pull
off the stunts required.
For more information on Fairuza Balk: Fairuza's Official Website
 Johnny Depp as Jackel
Johnny Depp, like Fairuza has also done some dark character roles, not to mention, I think he and her would make
a brilliant team and compliment each other. There's also no question to the length of Depp's acting ability, and he's
in good physical shape, and looks great with long hair!
For more information on Johnny Depp: Johnny Depp Zone
Next time Casting Call Casts, the New York Police Department!
For more information on The Pack, check out the following tribute site:
The Pack! part of Gargoyles Villians website
Images credits & copyright:
Stankewitz, Daniel.
( - July, 2003
( - August, 2003
BAMVA: Fairuza Balk.
( - August, 2003
Kate. All About Hugh.
( - August, 2003
Johnny Depp Zone.
( - August, 2003