GURPS Racial Packages from Gargoyles

-- by Christine Morgan


Gargoyle -- Base cost: +95

Advantages (+195):
 +5 ST  (+60)
 Striker (+5); increased range of 1 hex (+5) -- tail. Roll vs. DX to hit, does Thrust crushing damage
 Extended Lifespan +1 (+5) age at 1/2 human normal rate
 Gliding (+20) with Special Enhancement of riding thermals (+5)
 Claws (+15) extra +2 damage on any hand-to-hand attack
 Regeneration, Fast (+50) Limitation -- only during a day's stone sleep
 Temperature Tolerance 1 level (+10)
 Nightvision (+10)
 Recovery (+10) regains consciousness in minutes rather than hours

Disadvantages (-100):
 Inconvenient Size (-10) applicable in modern human cultures only
 Sleepy, 50% of the time (-20) defined as turning to stone during daylight hours
 Nocturnal (-10)
 Sense of Duty, clan and protectorate (-10)
 Social Stigma, monster (-30)
 Secret (-20), keeping existence secret from humans in general

Mutate -- Base cost: +65

     Mutates are humans who have been transformed by a genetic casserole of DNA from bats, electric
eels, and various forms of large cats (panther, tiger, etc.). It is important to remember that mutates began
life as humans and may therefore have more disadvantages of a social nature, such as trying to keep their
families from finding out what happened to them.

Advantages (+125):
 +2 ST (+20)
 +2 DX (+20)
 Gliding (+20) with Special Enhancement of riding thermals (+5)
 Claws (+15) extra +2 damage on any hand-to-hand attack
 Nightvision (+10)
 Natural Attack, Lightning (+35) Range 6 hexes, damage 1d6

Disadvantages (-60):
 Sense of Duty, clan and protectorate (-10)
 Social Stigma, monster (-30)
 Secret (-20), keeping existence secret from humans in general

Oberon's Children -- Base Cost: varies.

     This package is just for being one of Avalon's own, and each individual will have different diverse powers and
weaknesses according to the character concept.

Advantages (+165):
 Immortality (+125) includes Instant Regeneration, Unaging, and Immunity to Disease/Poison.
 Magical Aptitude 1 (+15), may be increased on an individual basis
 Patron, Oberon (+25) extremely powerful individual, magic abilities, unusual reach in time and space, appears rarely.
 Other suggested Advantages might include: Morph, Invisibility, Insubstantiality, Flight, various Natural Attacks.

Disadvantages (+65):
 Duty to Oberon (-10) infrequent but all-encompassing
 Vulnerability, iron, 1 level (-15) takes additional 1d6 damage
 Weakness, iron, 1d6 Fatigue per minute (-20)
 Secret (-20), keeping existence secret from humans in general
 Buying off Disadvantages related to iron is a possible modification

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