****Disclaimer*** These characters (except for Adrianna)quite obviously
belong to Disney/Buena Vista. No copyright infringement is intended.*****
One day during History class, the powerful
Fey Adrianna got really
tired of being a human. So she decided to stop time for a while
so she
could use her normal form. Once she had done so, she decided
to go to
the Eyrie Building. Sure enough, there were the Gargoyles, frozen
their stone sleep, and Xanatos was stopped in mid-step. And there
Owen - Puck's identity in his human form. His wallet was open
and its
contents had fallen onto the floor. Adrianna went to pick them
up, and
found herself going through the contents as she replaced them in the
"Hmmm..." she counted the money. "Xanatos
must pay him more than I
thought...Blockbuster video? How the mighty *have* fallen."
She picked
up about six credit cards. "Why in Oberon's name would
he need so many
credit cards...but with the salary he's getting, it's probably less
and more why not. Oooh- pictures," Adrianna exclaimed, seeing
company's name on the back of a rectangular photo. Also on the
written in Owen's impeccable handwriting, was "My Beloved." "My
Beloved?" Adrianna turned the picture over, and saw a turquoise gargoyle
with jet black hair, who seemed to be part of an old Welsh clan that
Adrianna had heard of. "A gargoyle? Puck fell in love?
With a
gargoyle?" Adrianna shook her head. There was another photo.
On the
back it was labeled, "My Little Angel, Seranaya". Adrianna
over the photo, and saw that this Seranaya was a light blue gargoyle,
with white hair. Though she appeared gargoyle, there was
definitely a
Puckish quality about her. Something about the smile. Adrianna
up at Owen, frozen in time. "So -- a family. Why,
Mr. Burnett, I
didn't know you had it in you." Then, more quietly, "I wasn't
that the Puck knew *how* to love."
Then, Adrianna disappeared, and time resumed.
Owen could sense
the residual magic, but he didn't realize that time had stopped.
picked up the rest of the contents of the wallet. Then he saw
it. A
folded sheet of paper that he had kept for years. "My most beloved
Adrianna," it began. Owen sighed as he read the love letter he
never sent. She had probably forgotten by now -- but he never
But some things, he reminded himself, just weren't meant to be.