a poem by RPG Goliath
Sunset enlightened Me
Crouching at an edge of the mountain
Of steel and glass
A stone statue
High above the City streets
Last red rays touched
My face
When the Darkness
Have overthrowned Light
Once again
In their forever war
Of domination in the world...
My stone skin started to crush
Slowly first, faster than
First parts of a shell left my body
And then I stood up
Throwing what left everywhere around
With a mighty Roar
Terryfing hearts of humans who hear it!
I felt wind blowing in my face
Staring to the great shield of full moon
At the infinity black, stairy skies
I spreaded my wings
At their full span
My eyes burned out a white light
When I jumped out the rail
Seeking for my Revenge
These damned pity, weak beings...
They may think they rule this city at day...
But the Night is mine!
They'll pay for all...
The time of Retribution has came!
And the Hunt begun!
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