(Batya Levin)
There once was a mayor named Doyle,
Who wanted to catch a gar-goyle,
But his evil plan
Crossed Goliath & Clan,
And all of his plots they did spoyle.

(Danica Ryan)
The once was a fae named Banshee,
Who loved to roam wild and free,
then three sisters came,
and put her to shame,
and ended her untamed spree.

There once was a Child of Oberon
Who picked just one day to be sober on;
But the rest of the year, he
Was giddy and cheery,
That merry young Child of Oberon.
(Catherine Coker)
There once was a Child of Oberon,
And boy, was he a sonuvva gun!
His name was Puck,
But he ran outta luck,
'Cause his dad cast him out from Avalon!

There once was a Child of Oberon
'Twas nary a day he was sober on
Over dale over hill
He'd imbibe all his fill
If a drink could be had there, he'd go anon.

(Lindy Hensley)
There once was a Child of Oberon
Who was feeling rather put upon
Corporate life was okay
But to his dismay
Dirty diapers were more than he'd reckoned on.
There once was a fay name of Puck
Who was glum and down on his luck
He'd messed up a spell
And with mortals did dwell
And he didn't find them worth the f---

(Paul Oliver)
There once was a trickster called Puck,
Whose plans oft became quite unstuck,
When dealing with magic,
He was always so tragic,
His spells were confused with bad luck

(Blaxon, the Half-Gargoyle)
There once was a child of Oberon,
who chanted his magic with a song.
He danced and he smiled
for the Xanatos child,
And now his big powers are all gone.
(Tim Reynard)
There once was a Child of Oberon
Who was part of a really big pantheon
He was sick of the group
So he attacked in one fell swoop
And telported them all off of Avalon

(Danica Ryan)
There once was a child of Oberon,
but his time has long since gone,
his name was Puck,
and he was out of luck,
for he was banished from Avalon.

(Black Rose)
There once was a Child of Oberon,
Who was eternally banished from Avalon,
For using his magic
In a Gathering quite tragic
And now his magic's half gone.