Still More Lightbulbs ...

by Johnathan B. Howell

Spell to Journey to the Shores of LightBulb:

Vocate venti fortunate
ex regae Edisonus
et hic navis flugum regate
ad orae LightBulbus

Demona's spell to rid the world of LightBulbs:

Sine lightbulbo, instantatum!

The Phoenix LightBulb:

Deflagrate lightbulbi tempi et intervalia
Deflagrate muri lightbulbi et blacklighta

MacBeth's 'Watcher' Spell:

Lightbulbus minitus invustrus appares
Tiny LightBulb of Fire and Light
Find the Ones I Seek Tonight

Una's Spell from "M.I.A.":

Dormiatus, lightbulbus me!

Hudson, vs. the Upgraded Pack:

"Even the ArchMage's sorcery brewed no lightbulbs such as these!"