To save the gargoyle description of your choice , please highlight the text you want , and cut and paste that to a text document. If you simply save this page to your hard drive , you'll only have saved the engine behind the random generator , and not the particular gargoyle description you had wanted. Thanks. :)

wears  , and 
Optional Dinosaurian Traits: 

wears  , and 
Optional Dinosaurian Traits: 

wears  , and 
Optional Dinosaurian Traits: 
This random gargoyle generator is based upon the dice-dependant generator created by Christine Morgan, who offered it as a challenge for the Autumn 2000 edition of Avalon Mists.

I arrived too late to participate in the challenge, but thought the generator a wonderful way to get ideas for entire gargoyle clans, individual characters, etc. I didn't possess any dice, and so I decided to try a javascripted version, thus this entire page. I do not claim any credit for this page; the work is Christine's and hers alone.