avalon mists / website reviews

Website Review: GNC (Gargoyles News Central)
article by: Siryn
issue date: 8/16/03
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GNC, short for Gargoyles News Central, has become an instant success overnight with the fandom. Its simple page design and current news stories have really filled an illusive missing gap in the Gargoyles fandom. Fans no longer need to worry about missing the latest news. A quick peak over at GNC will help even a fandom novice become familar on where to go to make their personal niche. A seasoned fan will know what's going on with the cast, or what the status of their favourite fan projects is.

As stated, site regularly updates news information covering a wide range of material. From the Gathering of the Gargoyles (the annual Gargoyles Convention), to major updates on mainstream fandom pages such as Gargoyles-fans.org, or to even reporting new information on voiceactors or animators who worked on the show. Information spoke or even whispered on forums becomes top news. With all this news up to date coverage, it's no wonder GNC has become a popular website among fans. GNC is the brainchild of Vashkoda, who runs the site entirely on her own! How is that for commitment? I had the pleasure on interviewing her for this article and here's what she had to say.

[Siryn]: Where did you come up with the concept of GNC?

[Vash]: Long before I made GNC, I had put together a long list of fandom websites (much like JEB's), that I kept track of and even rated. I was constantly looking for new Gargoyles material, be it art or fiction or even creative ways of presenting old material. In this manner, I was kept pretty well informed of all the projects happening in different areas of the fandom. At first, I wasn't sure how popular GNC would be, but I told myself that if nothing else, it would serve as a journal of fandom and Gargoyles-related events from that point onward. Also, it was a way to prove to myself (and to others) that the fandom wasn't dead, and that there was still plenty of new material to keep interest and hope alive.

[Siryn]: So basically you collect all your information from visiting fansites and boards?

[Vash]: Yes, and I keep in touch with others who are webmasters of Gargoyles sites, and sometimes I'm able to squeeze information out of them. ;) Also, much of the news you see on the site is brought to my attention by other fans who pass on links or information. I always credit them for their help.

[Siryn]: Which, I'm sure they're greatful for! I know personally speaking I am. ^_^ So how does it feel to have a cool talked about site?

[Vash]: Thanks for the compliment. =) I don't think it would be half as popular as it is without the advertisement it has on big name sites, and I'm grateful those webmasters think it's worth linking to. But I don't worry too much about the hits the site gets. I just try to do my best to keep the the place informative and interesting enough to get fans to keep coming back.

[Siryn]: So since you're doing the site for yourself and the fandom, do you put any restrictions on the type of content that goes on GNC? I remembered you mentioned once to me you normally don't put what voice actors like Jeff Bennet are currently working on?

[Vash]: I don't intentionally put restrictions on the news I put up; a big limiting factor is actually how accessible the information is to me. I don't visit enough actor shrines or animation forums to always know the latest rumors on a particular person. But just last week, I did put up a notice about Salli's next appearance in "Anaconda 2", which a fan e-mailed me about. Usually when I do a post like that, I'll try to group it with news from multiple other actors in a "where are they now?" segment. This time around, I hadn't heard of enough new projects by the actors to make that seem worthwhile.
Actually, when you mentioned retsrictions, one thing does come to mind. When I alert fans to a website update on the main page, it will usually be to announce major changes or new material. For minor changes, I ask that people use the separate 'webpage updates' page, where they can check individual boxes for the type of material they've added and the date.

[Siryn]: How can fans contact you if they have contributions to GNC? :)

[Vash]: On the menu bar at the left of each page is a 'contact us' link with my e-mail address: vashkoda@glaringdream.org. I know it says 'us' and not 'me', but I've never gotten around to changing it (and who knows, maybe somewhere down the line I'll have to share responsibilities for the site). Hopefully people haven't been assuming that I have a superiority complex and refer to myself in the third person. ;)

[Siryn]:I'm sure they haven't. Well, thankyou Vash for the interview! And congrats again on GNC and its success. :D Happy reporting!

[Vash]: Thank you!

GNC: Gargoyles News Central (http://crossroads.dragonmists.org/fantasy/central/gnc.html)
Overall rating: 5 stars

Images credits & copyright:
Charlebois, Karine. Kanthara's Loft.
(http://www.kantharasloft.com) - August, 2003.

Steinberger, Aimee Major. Aimee's Studio.
(http://www.aimeemajor.com) - August, 2003.