avalon mists / feature article / fandom poem

The Gargoyles Fandom
article by: KWSapphire
issue date: 9/2/03
print friendly / pdf file

The Gargoyles Fandom

Welcome to The Fandom, I say unto thee.
And now let me tell you about what you'll see.

There are red and black people, yellow and white,
Those who lack motion, hearing or sight,

Artists, authors, and some who just listen,
Pagans, atheists, Jews and Christians,

Trans-gendered, Transvestites, heterosexual and gay,
Gargoyles, Demons, Angels and Fay,

There are furries, scalies, and dragons of course,
Griffins, Vampires, Changelings and more.

The thin and the fat, the short and the tall,
Yes my friend, you'll see, we have every, and all.

And though under the Gargoyles banner we stand
We'll even let humans in our motley band.

Anyone is welcome, just remember our rule:
To none in the family shall ye ever be cruel.

All families have spats, to that I'll attest.
But against others, I'd defend you to the death.

We have our black sheep, and we have our shining stars.
But together we're the most wonderful family by far.
